The KRMWDKB members preparing the stage
The 2010 Chinese New Year Open House was held in Kampung Baru Rimba Panjang at 10.30 a.m. by KELAB RAKAN MUDA WAWASAN DESA KAMPUNG BARU, SUNGAI SIPUT on 18 February, 2010 (Thursday) .
Ang-pau was given to 45 down-symdrom children from the Persatuan Orang Istimewa Sungai Siput, Jalan Lintang.
YB Datuk Haji Ahamed hope that Kelab Rakan Muda Wawasan Desa Kampung Baru can be form in Salak N/V and Salak Utara. He thanks Mr Ng Kah Choong, the advisor for the Kelab Rakan Muda Wawasan Desa Kampung Baru for assisting in forming the clubs in Lasah and Lintang new vilage. The forming of these clubs is a good move to enhance interaction among the youngs irrespective of races.
En Munir Aliyazak hope more clubs can be formed. The Ministry is planning to form a council for the Kelab Rakan Muda. This council will eventually affialite with Malaysia Youth Council and respecive State and District Council. The setting up of cyber centre in each Parliament constituency help to promote ICT for the youth and he hope the youth will fully utilized the centre. The cyber centre can be turn into youth activity centre. Here, the multi racial youth can interact within and between each other.
Both VIPs' appreciate this effort whereby youth from all races can mixed and interact. Both hope more multi-racial activity can be organise in the future.
5 members of the Kelab Rakan Muda Kampung Baru singging Chinese New Year songs and the BBoy group, whom was the winner of the 2009 Rakan Muda Mix-Dance competition performed the mix-dance for the audience.